Clarity update: exciting improvements to navigation and menu options
We’re thrilled to announce some exciting updates to our customer platform's navigation and menu options. We’ve listened to your feedback and are making enhancements to improve your overall user experience. This is the first of many big visual changes to the way Clarity looks and feels, and we believe these enhancements will boost your experience and usability of our customer platform.
The new navigation will be rolled out on Wednesday 27th March.
Main menu navigation transformation
The first significant update is the transformation of our navigation dock. We understand that efficiency and ease of use are essential to you, so we’ve moved the navigation dock to the left-hand side of the screen. This change will make it more intuitive for you to access all the features at your fingertips. Say hello to a seamless navigation experience!
Let's take a look at the new menu items:
Incidents: Get quick access to incidents, ensuring you stay on top of any issues requiring your attention.
Actions: Take immediate action on identified threats or vulnerabilities to safeguard your system's security. Under Recommendations, you'll find all of the configuration recommendations provided by our MXDR team.
Threat Management: Formerly known as Vulnerability Management, this feature empowers you to proactively detect and address potential vulnerabilities before they become major security threats.
Visibility: This section has all the tools you need to monitor and track your system's security posture in real time. You'll also find our Daily, Weekly and Monthly Service Checks here, provided by our MXDR team.
Support: We’re here for you every step of the way. The support section has been enhanced with useful links that allow you to raise incidents, request services, review previous service requests, and access essential resources like the Clarity roadmap and ideas portal. We’re committed to providing you with the assistance you need to make the most of our platform's capabilities.
Top utility bar
The top menu, where you can choose date ranges remains as it was to ensure you can easily find what you need, when you need it. We'll be further improving this utility bar in the near future, so watch this space.
Get ready for an enhanced user experience
With these exciting updates, we’re confident that you can now navigate to find key information effortlessly, and take action quickly and confidently. This is now also the building block from which we'll be continuing to add even more capability into Clarity – as we enhance the main dashboard and individual ticket view next. Meanwhile, we can't wait for you to explore the improved navigation and menu options. Feel free to reach out to our support team if you have any questions or need assistance with the new features.
We value your feedback, so please let us know your thoughts as you embark on this exciting journey with us. If you have suggestions for improvements to Clarity, let us know by using our ideas portal!