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Clarity User Guides

Clarity User Guides

How to Navigate to User Management

  1. To navigate to user management, click “User Management” from the settings icon in the top-right utility navigation.

2. In this space you can view all the relevant information in the User Manager table

How to add a new user

  1. To add a new user, click the “Invite new user” button

2. Enter the email address of the new user and “Save and send invite”

3. An “Invite sent” success toast will appear, and the user will become visible in the User Manager table with the status "Invited"

4. The new user should receive an Invitation link.

  • If the user is already part of another organisation they won't receive an invitation and their status will be Active.

How to edit user permissions

  1. Use the search bar at the top to search for a user

2. Press the Edit button on the right hand side of the table for the user you want to edit

3. An Edit User modal will appear

  • None Role: Users do not have access to any of the cyber security data in Clarity.

  • Reader Role: Users with this role cannot modify data or initiate processes that write to the database, with exceptions for personal profile changes.

  • Contributor Role: Users can engage normally within Clarity, including commenting on tickets and amending assets.

How to get Admin access

  1. A user with Admin rights has the ability edit users and set administrator permissions on.