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Service Request form improvements

The 1 box service request form is too basic at point of initial creation and when updating post creation. The ability to add titles, format text, add additional boxes / options, upload attachments, images would be welcomed.
7 months ago in  1 Planned

Collapsible menu's

It would be greatly help if we can have a button to collapse/hide the side menu on clarity. this would give users more screen space to work with, especially on 14in laptops
10 months ago in  0 Planned

Filter dashboard by priority

Darren Chapman (Quorum Advisory Services) and I were reviewing the Clarity dashboards last week, putting together a Board pack that will go to the Board one a quarter. We thought it would be useful if you could filter the following sections by tic...
8 days ago in  0

Enhance Clarity Search Functionality

The current search functionality is limited to specific fields (ID, Summary, Cause, and Resolution at the moment, I think) so I can't easily find tickets based on information contained in other fields, such as Description, Entities, Notes, Assessm...
4 months ago in  0 Under Review

Notifications for Customers removing all automated comms contacts

Having a pop-up for the customer advising that they will not receive any emails if they remove all their contacts from Clarity would be helpful in creating friction and hopefully stopping customers from removing all their contacts.Also possibly ha...
8 months ago in  0 Planned

User Resolution - add ability to offer cause/ resolution to ticket

When customers self- resolve tickets, cause/ resolution of the incident is not offered - can we have an extension to the "resolved" option, to give drop downs to pick the resolution/ otherwise?
3 days ago in  0

Admins to be able to reset 2fa login

If someone changes phone numbers, admins to the clarity portal should be able to reset the 2fa so that the user can log back in again and reset it up. Also it would be useful to see the last login time a user logs into the portal so I can review u...
24 days ago in  0 Under Review

Timestamp for Ticket Detail Additional Data

we currently show dates for Date Created and Date Resolved under the MTTH and MTTR KPIs, it would be helpful if we presented the timestamps too (e.g. from 2024-12-18 to 2024-12-18 12:34 for both fields).
about 2 months ago in  0 Under Review

email generated incident/ service request tickets

We would like to be able to generate tickets when an email is submitted; idea of flow: email is sent to a QC mailbox ticket is generated in Clarity (service request, incident) email response noting ticket reference
4 months ago in  0 Future consideration

Clarity contacts tab priority scheduling

Could a feature enabling us to schedule how long an analyst is first priority, second priority, etc or Do not contact. This would enable us to automate our on-call schedule within the clarity contacts tab rather than requiring us to manually updat...
9 months ago in  0 Planned